Here is the link to my Unity Asset Store Publisher Profile where you can view all my assets for sale:

Loot Generation Zone

This is a handy little tool that lets you place items in a random arrangement in a specified area. This is useful for loading loot for games such as rogue-lites. Or for games where you revisit areas multiple times and want items to refresh upon entering. You could also use this to decorate areas with organic looking props, such as shrubbery or flowers in a forest, etc! Your imagination is the limit!

Modular Basic
Locomotion Pack

This tool lets you give your units some basic movement functionality for moving, wandering or patrolling! Useful for nearly any kind of 3D game. It can be used with manual transforms, rigidbody forces, root motion or with Unity’s built in Navmesh system! Lots of customization options and a great place to get your characters into action quickly!


Colossal Cave - Lead Gameplay Engineer